Islamic Educational Classes

What is IEC?
  • Auckland Islamic Trust has been providing short courses for adults for the last ten years alhmadullillah. These courses are designed for all adults (males & females); for students, professionals and those involved in business. These courses focus on the basics and fundamentals of Deen and are taught by qualified Ulama (scholars). Focus is directed towards Tarbiyah and Islaah (spiritual nurturing and rectification). The knowledge of Deen is for everyone, it is not only confined to children in the Makatib or those acquiring higher Islamic studies in the Madaris. Thus, the object of these courses is to fill up this gap! These courses are ideal for those who cannot attend a Madrasah as a regular student, or who have not studied their Deen before, or merely wish to revise what they already know. Furthermore, a great benefit of these classes is that one builds a strong connection with a scholar of Islam. The participants can easily manage this course while working/studying/doing business in parallel. Inshallah, this course will not be a resistance in their day to day routine work.

What subjects are taught in IEC?

  • These courses cover basics of Deen (religion), daily routine life Masail (laws/ruling), Qur’an and Ahadeeth translations/explanations, Seerat (life story of Nabi Sallallahu alai wa sallam), Tajweed (correct recitation of Qur’an), biographies of the pious predecessors, Aqeedah (belief), Tarbiyah and Spiritual rectification, Duas (daily supplications), History, and much more. Please have a look at the course time line for more detail.
What will I achieve after completing these courses?
  • After the completion of these courses it is expected that the participants will be able to live their life according to Islam. If one is still not aware of the solution to his problems, one will be able to acquire the solution by consulting with one’s teachers. Together with this, students will receive a certificate on a successful completion.
What is the conditions regarding age?
  • •  Lower age limit: 14 years minimum.
  • •  Upper age limit: None.
Are there any fees for these courses?
  • Yes, there are fees which fluctuate between different courses. If anyone has any issues relating to fees than please get in contact with us, we are always ready to help.
How do I register for these courses?
  • Please Msg/Whatsapp us your name and inshallah we will inform you regarding the way forward.

Who are Asatizah (instructors//teachers) of these courses?

  • The Asatizah-e-Kiraam are qualified Ulama Kiraam. The following Ulama have taught previous courses:
  • Moulana Sarfaraz Sher Ali
  • Moulana Muhammad Rayhaan Diwan
  • Mufti Muhammad Irshad Motara
  • Moulana Qays Buksh
  • Moulana Idrees Dadi-Patel
  • Moulana Abdushakoor
  • Mufti Talha Nadat


By the help of Almighty Allah Ta’ala and making Mashwerah and taking the Duas of our Mashaaikh (Hadrat Moulana Abdul Hameed Sahib d.b and Hadrat Mufti Masood Cassim d.b) Auckland Islamic Trust has commenced monthly programs concerning challenges which face the Ummah. 

The IEC classes were focused on a specific crowd, those people who could spare a year or some months on a regular basis. These programs are designed for the general public so everyone can join these important programs.



  1. July 2022: Signs and Fit before the final hour. 
  2. August 2022: Challenges faced by Muslim youth in schools and the way forward.
  3.  September 2022: We are what we eat! Importance & guidelines on Halal consumption.
  4. October 2022: Maktab workshop for Asatizah & Huffadh across New Zealand

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